THE CHALLENGE: Create kinetic typography for any audio available such as movie lines, song lyrics, etc., in order to further understand how typographic variables are used to express the written forms.
PROCESS: Most of my research came from Youtube. A lot of my process was fixing up my typography. I kept thinking, “what is it I always do, what is it I never do?” From there, I tried to work with my text and puzzle piece the best I could using hierarchy and contrast in size and weight.
SOLUTION: I created a video of a scene from one of my favorite childhood movies, Big Fat Liar. There was something about being able to relay the message and relay it fast while following an audio recording that made me realize how well everything needed to be laid out on the page. Not only did I get to learn how to use a new program (mostly figured it out at the end, of course), but I learned how to visually communicate a message with audio, but also without. If someone is watching my kinetic type video and cannot hear the sound, they should be able to know exactly what is going on and when it is all happening just by watching the screen. It is important to be able to communicate a message to everyone as a visual communicator. You never know who will be looking at your work and you want to be sure that you can accommodate everyone.